© 2023 Cera Care Operations Ltd. All rights reserved.

Cera is regulated and rated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), ensuring the highest standards of care.

Quality Assurance

All our Carers are carefully selected and extensively trained to deliver top-quality care with empathy and expertise.

Highly Trained Carers

Your Local Care Manager is on hand through every step of your care journey with Cera Care

Fully-Managed Service

Live-In Care offers constant, round-the-clock support from a dedicated Carer who lives with you or your loved one in their home. Live-in care is fully tailored to personal care needs, and here are some of the ways Live-in Care can support:

- Personal care -  Companionship - Complex Care - Emergency Care - Care For Young Adults and much more!

Live-In Care Services

1:1 Support

We can arrange care in as little as 48 hours. Request a callback from one of the team below

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A live-in carer provides dedicated support as opposed to being responsible for multiple residents and live-in care is flexible and can adapt quickly to changing needs. 

A primary benefit of live-in care is that it allows individuals to stay in their own homes, surrounded by familiar settings and personal belongings 

Care Plans are completely individualised with no need to standardise routines such as set meal times, medication or activities which often happens in residential care homes. 

Familiar Surroundings

Individualised Care

Cera is a leading provider of live-in care services in the UK

Live-in Care - 24 hour care at home

Live-In Care With Cera

One of the primary benefits of live-in care is that it allows individuals to stay in their own homes, surrounded by familiar settings and personal belongings and maintain the social connections they have and day to day activities they participate in. It causes less upheaval to day to day life and allows people to stay in their own homes for longer. This familiarity can be particularly beneficial for those with dementia or cognitive decline, who may become confused or agitated by a change 

Live-In Care